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[Finalized] Clipboard and Popup (Semantic UI)
Official Snippet Used

I finally am able to finalize the code which makes the popup functionality works exactly how I want it to where it brings the following features:-

  1. 'Copy to clipboard' tooltip displays upon hovering over the button;
  2. Ability to have the button 'auto-' triggered and clicked without having to bring the cursor to the button itself as I utilize Vimium extension for Chromium browser. This extension allows users to open a link by typing the letter(s) associated with it;
    Shown in the photo above is an example. A user can just press the 'F' key to open the link should it be associated with a URL. In this case however, it executes the 'copy' function followed by the popup set.
  3. Following a successful 'copy to clipboard' occasion, a tooltip pops up with 'Copied' message;
  4. It returns to the initial popup display when hovered over again.
Please note though that this is just meant for Demo1.
