
Compiling and Viewing TeX Docs

Updated on 24 September 2020:-

Synctex-searches work just fine by installing zathura and all the dependencies from the Arch official repository (libmupdf can be skipped) as long as we set the vimtex-clientserver (please refer to the first related configuration file below) which is specifically for vimtex-synctex-inverse-search.

I use [1] vimtex, a vim plugin that provides support for writing and compiling LaTeX documents and [2] zathura as the document viewer.

In the beginning, I was determined to stick to [3] MuPDF as the PDF viewer due to its fast and complete features despite being small and lightweight but I kept encountering unpleasant experiences while compiling documents where it always froze the screen of my laptop when I closed the viewer.

Tentang Hamba

Seorang isteri dan ibu yang mempunyai minat mendalam terhadap Linux, Full Stack Development dan Data Analytics. Beliau juga memiliki bakat terpendam dalam bidang nyanyian (nasyid khususnya).