Perkembangan Terbaru ConTeXt
[PRAGMA ADE] mengumumkan dan sudah pun mengeluarkan enjin terbaru bagi ConTeXt
yang dinamakan sebagai LUAMETATEX
. LuaMetaTEX
ini terkandung di dalam versi ConTeXt
yang baru bernama LMTX
Memetik pengenalan mengenai LuaMetaTEX
melalui pautan [LuaMetaTEX Reference Manual] yang tidak akan saya terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Melayu ini,
(Perenggan ke-2) "... we could move on with a follow up tagged MetaTEX, a name we already had in mind for a while, but as Lua is an important component, it got expanded to LuaMetaTEX. This follow up is a lightweight companion to LuaTEX that will be maintained alongside."...(Perenggan ke-3 terakhir) "For ConTEXt users the LuaMetaTEX engine will become the default. As mentioned, the ConTEXt variant for this engine is tagged LMTX. The pair can be used in production, just as with LuaTEX and MkIV. In fact, most users will probably not really notice the difference. In some cases there will be a drop in performance, due to more work being delegated to Lua, but on the average performance is much be better, due to some changes below the hood of the engine. Memory consumption is also less. The timeline of development is roughly: from 2018 upto 2020 engine development, 2019 upto 2021 the stepwise code split between MkIV and LMTX, while in 2021 and 2022 we will (mostly) freeze MkIV and LMTX will be the default."