
Official Snippet Used

I finally am able to finalize the code which makes the popup functionality works exactly how I want it to where it brings the following features:-

  1. 'Copy to clipboard' tooltip displays upon hovering over the button;
  2. Ability to have the button 'auto-' triggered and clicked without having to bring the cursor to the button itself as I utilize Vimium extension for Chromium browser. This extension allows users to open a link by typing the letter(s) associated with it;
    Shown in the photo above is an example. A user can just press the 'F' key to open the link should it be associated with a URL. In this case however, it executes the 'copy' function followed by the popup set.
  3. Following a successful 'copy to clipboard' occasion, a tooltip pops up with 'Copied' message;
  4. It returns to the initial popup display when hovered over again.

Tentang Hamba

Seorang isteri dan ibu yang mempunyai minat mendalam terhadap Linux, Full Stack Development dan Data Analytics. Beliau juga memiliki bakat terpendam dalam bidang nyanyian (nasyid khususnya).